Selected Peer Reviewed Publications
*Keene State Undergraduate
Sasaki, M, Barley, JM, Gignoux-Wolfsohn, S, Hays, CG, Kelly, MW, Putnam, AB, Sheth, SN, Andrew R. Villeneuve, AR, and BS Cheng. 2022. Greater local adaptation to temperature in the ocean than on land. Nature Climate Change 12:1175-1180.
Barley, JM, Brian S. Cheng, BS, Sasaki, M, Gignoux-Wolfsohn, S, Hays, CG, Putnam, AB, Sheth, S, Villeneuve, AR,and M Kelly. 2021. Limited plasticity in thermally tolerant ectotherm populations: evidence for a trade-off. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288(1958.)
Hays, CG, Hanley, TC, Hughes, AR, Trusky, SB, Zerebecki, RA, and EE Sotka. 2021. Local adaptation in marine foundation species at microgeographic scales. Biological Bulletin 241:16-29.
Hays, CG, Hanley, TC, Graves, RM*, Schenck, FR, and AR Hughes. 2020. Linking spatial patterns of adult and seed diversity across the depth gradient in the seagrass Zostera marina. Estuaries and Coasts.
Von Staats, DA, Hanley, TC, Hays, CG, Madden, SR, Sotka, EE, and AR Hughes. 2020. Intra-meadow variation in seagrass flowering phenology across depths. Estuaries and Coasts.
Follett, E, Hays, CG, and H Knepf. 2019. Canopy-mediated hydrodynamics contributes to greater allelic richness in seeds produced higher in meadows of the coastal eelgrass Zostera marina. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:8.
Novak, AB, Bayley, HK, Hays, CG, and AR Hughes. 2017. Effects of source population identity and diversity on seagrass restoration performance. PeerJ 5:e2972
Hughes AR, Hanley, TC, Schenck, FR, and CG Hays. 2016. Genetic diversity of seagrass seeds influences seedling morphology and biomass. Ecology 97(12):3538-3546.
Hays, CG, and CM Fagan*. 2016. Evolution and Conservation Biology: General Principles. In: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 1st Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (*=KSC undergraduate)
Dawson, MN, Hays, CG, Grosberg, RK, and PT Raimondi. 2014. Dispersal potential and the population genetic structure of synchronously diverging co-distributed taxa in the marine intertidal of the eastern North Pacific. Ecological Monographs 84:435-456.
Watson, J, Hays, CG, Siegel, DA, P.T. Raimondi, PT, S. Mitarai, S, Blanchette, CA, C. Dong, C, and JA McWilliams. 2011. Currents connecting communities: a study of nearshore marine species in the Southern California Bight. Ecology 92(6): 1193-1200.
Springer, YP, Hays, CG, Carr, MH, and MR Mackey. 2010. Towards ecosystem-based management of marine macroalgae: the bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. In: Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. Eds. R.N. Gibson, R.J.A. Atkinson, and J.D.M. Gordon, CRC Press.
Dlugosch, KM, and CG Hays. 2008. Genotypes on the move: some things old and some things new shape the genetics of colonization during species invasions. Molecular Ecology 17(21):4583-4585.
Hays, CG. 2007. Adaptive phenotypic differentiation across the intertidal gradient in the alga Silvetia compressa. Ecology. 88(1):149-157.
Hays, CG. 2005. The effects of nutrient availability, grazer assemblage and source population on the interaction between Thalassia testudinum (turtle grass) and its algal epiphytes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 314(1):53-68.
Heck, KL, Hays, CG, and RJ Orth. 2003. A critical evaluation of the nursery role hypothesis for seagrass meadows. Marine Ecology Progress Series 253:123-136.
Sheridan PF, and CG Hays. 2003. Are mangroves nursery habitat for transient fish and decapods? Wetlands 23(2):449-458.
Minello TJ, Able KW, Weinstein MP, and CG Hays. 2003. Salt marshes as nurseries for nekton: testing hypotheses on density, growth, and survivorship though meta-analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 246:39-59.
Beck, MW, Heck, KL, Able, KW, Childers, DL, Eggleston, DB, Gillanders, BM, Halpern, B, Hays, CG, Hoshino, K, Minello, TJ, Orth, RJ, Sheridan, PF, and MR Weinstein. 2001. The identification, conservation, and management of estuarine and marine nurseries for fish and invertebrates. Bioscience 51(8):633-641.[0633:TICAMO]2.0.CO;2